Do you have a history of:
Cancer Yes No Allergies/Asthma Yes No
Diabetes Yes No Headaches/Migraines Yes No
High Blood Pressure Yes No Bronchitis Yes No
Heart Disease Yes No Kidney Disease Yes No
Angina/Chest Pain Yes No Rheumatic Fever Yes No
Stroke Yes No Ulcers Yes No
Osteoarthritis Yes No Seizures Yes No
Osteoporosis Yes No Sexually Transmitted Disease Yes No
Rheumatoid arthritis Yes No
In the past 3 months have you had or do you experiences: Are You Currently:
A change in your health Yes No Pregnant Yes No
Nausea/Vomiting/Indigestion Yes No Depressed Yes No
Fever/chills/sweats Yes No Under Stress Yes No
Unexplained weight change Yes No
Numbness or tingling Yes No Are Your Symptoms: (check one)
Changes in bowel or bladder function Yes No ___Getting Worse___The Same___Improving
Change in Appetite Yes No How are you able to sleep at night (check one)
Difficulty Swallowing Yes No ___Fine___Moderate difficulty___Only with Med's
Shortness of Breath Yes No
Urinary Tract Infection Yes No Do you have a problem with:
Dizziness Yes No Check All That Apply
Upper Respiratory Infection Yes No _____Hearing _____Vision_____Speech _____Communication
Do you or have you in the past smoked tobacco: ___Yes ___No If Yes, ____Packs/Wk X_____Year.
Do you drink alcoholic beverages: ___ Yes___No If Yes, _____Drinks/Wk X_____Year.
Date of Last Exam:______________________ Medications ____________________________
Patient Signature: ___________________________ Date:________________________________